Pages about Java
Don't forget to call your dad too
In Android development, there is a powerful feature called "flavors", that lets you create different variants of your app with very little effort. You can with little to no code change texts, images, feature flags, and even behavior of your app, based on its flavor. You can use this for creating series of similar apps, or for making ad-supported and paid apps in the same code base.
Don't forget to give the user a choice
Here I talk about how to read from Android's contact register using a contact picker, how to use some other standard widgets, and a bit about how you can get time and date input from the user. There is a lot of talk about how Intents are connected together, and how scheduled events can be stored.
Don't forget to build that app
This article describes the initial work needed to build the first useful version of the Call Mom and Call dad apps, including some thoughts about Java 7 and Java 8. I talk shortly about AndroidX and JetPack, how to achieve Android version compatibility, doing persistent storage and notifications in a new app.
Don't forget to call your mom
In this article, I describe why I started developing two apps called Call Mom and Call Dad. I also talk about what features those apps should have, and how I started to work on their implementation. Content Warning: Death of a loved one
Kafka Unrecognized option PrintGCDateStamps
There is a bug in the Java version detection mechanism in Kafka, that prevents you from running Kafka on newer versions of Java. There is a quick way to fix it, while the issue is being resolved.
"Hello, World!" in Java
A "Hello, World!" program in Java can be written with a static main method of a class, and calling the println method of the System.out PrintStream object to send the "Hello, World!" string to the standard output stream.
The State of Frontend Web Development in 2010
2010 saw HTML5 and CSS3 become mainstream, while jQuery dominated JavaScript libraries, and responsive design started shaping the web.
The State of Frontend Web Development in 2006
Frontend web development in 2006 is vibrant and changing, and continues to push the boundaries