The State of Frontend Web Development in 2019

#frontend #html #css #javascript

Written by Anders Marzi Tornblad

This is part 5 of the State of frontend web development series. If you haven't read the first part, here it is: The State of Frontend Web Development in 2006

Let's look back at the transformative advances that have defined frontend web development during 2019.

React Hooks: A New Chapter for React

React has been at the forefront of the frontend revolution for years now. 2019 saw the introduction of React Hooks in React 16.8, a feature that's breathed new life into functional components by letting them use state and other React features traditionally reserved for classes.

JAMstack: Redefining Web Development

In 2016, Matt Biilmann introduced the term JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs and Markup) to describe a new approach to web development. This innovative architecture, focusing on performance, security, scalability, and developer experience, is redefining the way to build websites and applications. 2019 saw the JAMstack movement gain significant traction, after the first annual JAMstack Conf in 2018.

WebAssembly (Wasm): High-Performance Web Apps

WebAssembly, or Wasm really caught the industry's attention this year. This binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine promises to unleash a new era of high-performance applications on the web.

TypeScript: Catching Errors Early

While TypeScript has been around since 2012, this year saw a significant surge in its adoption within the JavaScript community. This statically typed superset of JavaScript helps catch errors during development, making our code safer and our lives easier.

Component-Based Design Systems: Consistency, Efficiency, Scalability

The concept of design systems isn't new, but 2019 saw a greater emphasis on component-based design systems. These systems promote better consistency, efficiency, and scalability in building user interfaces.

Serverless Architecture: Less is More

Finally, the serverless approach made significant strides in 2019. By allowing us to build and run applications without managing servers, serverless architectures are ushering in a new level of scalability and productivity.

So there we have it: another transformative year in our collective coding chronicles. 2019 was a year that saw us breaking new ground, redefining norms, and continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible in frontend web development.

Articles in this series: