The State of Frontend Web Development in 2017

#frontend #html #css #javascript

Written by Anders Marzi Tornblad

This is part 4 of the State of frontend web development series. If you haven't read the first part, here it is: The State of Frontend Web Development in 2006

As 2017 draws to a close, let's pause to appreciate the remarkable advancements that have shaped frontend web development this year.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Blurring the Lines

2017 has seen Google championing the cause ofECMAScript 2015, or ES6. This is the biggest update to JavaScript since 2009, and it's nothing short of revolutionary. With new features like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). These cutting-edge applications use the latest web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience, complete with offline functionality and device installation. PWAs have truly blurred the lines between web and native applications.

Vue.js: A New Contender Emerges

Though introduced in 2014, Vue.js really started turning heads this year. As a lighter, more flexible alternative to heavyweights like React and Angular, Vue.js has quickly found favor among developers seeking simplicity without compromising power.

CSS Grid: Reinventing Layouts

2017 marked the full release of the CSS Grid specification, revolutionizing the way we create web layouts. Offering a two-dimensional grid-based system, CSS Grid brings a level of efficiency and flexibility that far surpasses previous layout methods.

Evolution of JavaScript Frameworks: React and Angular

This year has seen significant updates to our favorite JavaScript frameworks. Angular rolled out its 5th version, while React introduced React Fiber, a novel reconciliation algorithm that's set to overhaul React's rendering process.

Mobile-First Development: A Responsive Shift

With Google's announcement of mobile-first indexing, the focus of web development has decisively shifted towards mobile devices. This development means that we're now designing primarily for mobile, then scaling up to larger screens - a responsive shift in our design approach.

Async/Await: Simplifying Asynchronicity

The introduction of async/awaitin ES8 (ECMAScript 2017) is another milestone. This new syntax simplifies the use of Promises, allowing us to write asynchronous code in a way that looks and behaves a bit more like synchronous code, simplifying the way we handle asynchronous operations.

GraphQL: Rethinking APIs

Finally, this year saw GraphQLmaking waves as a powerful alternative to REST for managing APIs. Its unique ability to allow clients to specify exactly what data they need makes it a flexible and efficient choice for modern web applications.

In summary, 2017 has been a remarkable year, teeming with groundbreaking advancements that have pushed the boundaries of frontend web development. As we look forward, I am excited to see where these innovations take us.

Articles in this series: