Loading MOD files in the browser
The MOD file is a staple of the 90s demoscene. In this article, I'll read a MOD file in JavaScript, and learn a bit about the format along the way.
Generating sound in modern Web Audio API
My first steps in playing music in the browser using Web Audio API start with generating a simple sine wave in an Audio Worklet.
Modernizing Artsy
I'm modernizing my JavaScript Canvas remake of the 1993 Amiga demo Arte by Sanity.
Use a different user account for each Git repo
This is how you use different user accounts for each of your git repositories, including SSH origin URLs.
I'm paying for GitHub Copilot
A lot of people are talking about GitHub Copilot going from a free trial to a paid feature. I will definitely start paying.
A Layered Cargo Cult
Too many layers in software architecture can seriously hurt quality and speed of development.
Cargo Cult Microservices
Microservices aren't a silver bullet. Many implementations lack good architecture and follow cargo-cult behavior. Choose wisely for your use case.
Deleting tweets and likes in C#
I decided to create my own content destroyer for Twitter, to delete old tweets and likes of mine. I wrote it in C# targetting .NET 5.
The State of Frontend Web Development in 2021
2021 in frontend web dev saw Tailwind CSS, Next.js, and Deno rise in popularity, with Svelte making strides and Web Vitals becoming essential.
Find the SQL Server GUID table
If you have a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER id of a row in a SQL Server database, here's how you can find out what table it belongs to.
Conphig v1.0 published
Conphig is a lightweight .NET 5 package for loading configuration. Version 1.0 is now available on Nuget.
Single-table hierarchical data in EF Core
When listing a tree of entities, the top-level list should only contain parent-less entites. Use the Where method to search for null parents.