Pages about JavaScript – page 2 of 4
Allowing "at" characters in npm usernames
Some npm registries use email addresses for usernames. That is incompatible with the npm commandline tools, like npm-login and npm-adduser. I found out how to configure the .npmrc file manually to avoid the problem.
The State of Frontend Web Development in 2017
2017 brought significant advancements in frontend web dev with the rise of PWAs, Vue.js, CSS Grid, mobile-first development, and GraphQL.
Emulating ZX Spectrum graphics in JavaScript
I'm using EcmaScript 6 Proxy objects to keep track of dirty blocks in emulated ZX Spectrum video RAM in a browser. I describe how the ZX Spectrum video RAM works, and implement an emulator using modern JavaScript.
"Hello, World!" in JavaScript
A "Hello, World!" program in JavaScript can be written by calling the log method of the console object to send the "Hello, World!" string to the standard output stream, or the developer console in a web browser.
Overriding console.log in JavaScript
JavaScript is a dynamic language, where even functions are just object variables, pointing to some runnable code. This makes it possible to replace default implementations with your own implementations. However, if you are not careful, it can lead to problems that are hard to debug.
JavaScript countdown using localStorage
Using localStorage, it's possible to implement a countdown clock in JavaScript that survives a reboot of the user's computer. However, it's not possible to know when the user clears their localStorage contents.
Formatting a truncated float in JavaScript
By combining multiplication, division, and Math.floor(), it is possible to truncate a floating point number to a chosen number of decimals in JavaScript. Here, I explain every step of the way, and show how it's done in a one-liner.
The State of Frontend Web Development in 2015
2015 saw major leaps in frontend web development, with the rise of ES6, React.js, Babel, Webpack, the end of Internet Explorer, and Flexbox.
First two parts Artsy published
I'm remaking the second part of the iconic 1993 Amige demo Sanity by Arte.
Phenomenal & Enigmatic, part 4 of 4
I'm drawing 2D and 3D animations on a rotating 3D cube using JavaScript and Canvas. Inspired by the 1991 Amiga demo Enigma by Phenomena.
First part of Artsy, now in beta
I'm starting on a JavaScript Canvas demo, heavily inspired by the 1993 Amiga demo Arte by Sanity.
Phenomenal & Enigmatic, part 3 of 4
I'm drawing a glassy, glossy logotype using JavaScript and Canvas. Inspired by the 1991 Amiga demo Enigma by Phenomena.