Pages about JavaScript – page 3 of 4
Phenomenal & Enigmatic, part 2 of 4
I'm animating a star field rotating in 3D with simple mathematics. Inspired by the 1991 Amiga demo Enigma by Phenomena.
Phenomenal & Enigmatic, part 1 of 4
I'm starting on a JavaScript Canvas demo, heavily inspired by the 1991 Amiga demo Enigma by Phenomena.
JavaScript Csv file generator, part 3 of 3
The final touches are added to my CSV file generation framework in JavaScript. Escaping the separator and quotation marks are done, and the framework is finished!
JavaScript Csv file generator, part 2 of 3
Here I implement the basics of a simple CSV file generation framework in JavaScript.
JavaScript Csv file generator, part 1 of 3
To implement a CSV file generation framework in JavaScript, I start with imagining how I would like to use the framework. From there, I create unit tests to get me started.
JavaScript unit test framework, part 4 of 4
In the last part of this series, I add a pluggable output system to my JavaScript unit test framework, so that test results can be displayed nicely, or sent to a server for logging.
JavaScript unit test framework, part 3 of 4
Any mature unit test framework contains helper methods for validating or asserting requirements. In this part, I start adding some object-oriented test functions.
JavaScript unit test framework, part 2 of 4
My unit test framework in JavaScript is starting to shape up when I add support for asynchronous code, like timers, event handlers and CSS transitions.
JavaScript unit test framework, part 1 of 4
For test-driven development (TDD), having a working unit test framework is very useful. Here I start working on my own framework in JavaScript.
How to load jQuery programatically
Loading JavaScript dynamically, and knowing then the script is done loading, can be difficult. There are working solutions available, but it is also possible to write some code to solve the problem.
Emulate WebKit touch events using addTouch
Testing multitouch JavaScript code on the iPhone is difficult. With addTouch, you can test your code in any modern desktop browser.
The State of Frontend Web Development in 2010
2010 saw HTML5 and CSS3 become mainstream, while jQuery dominated JavaScript libraries, and responsive design started shaping the web.